Review of: Submit Equalizer
Reviewed by: arip santoso
For most websites, your profit margins are razor thin and you can’t afford to spend much of anything for advertising.
This is especially true when you’re trying to monetize a site with AdSense or other affiliate programs.
Instead, you’ve got get the free search engine traffic flowing and let people know about your site through directories and classified sites.
Moreover, you’ve got to get your pages into the search engines in the first place. Most people think of the big search engines, MSN, Yahoo, and Google.
But, they forget that a nice percentage of search traffic also goes through all of the small the search engines. Not to mention, that directories also have large amounts of search engine traffic running through them (because they claim many top rankings in the search engines).
However, the problem is that finding these free sites to submit to is often challenging. And, to make much of an impact on your site, you need to submit to a lot of them.
Submit Equalizer sets-out to eliminate this challenge by automatically submitting your sites to thousands of search engine, directories, and classified sites.
There are a number of solutions online that promise to blast your site to hundreds of thousands of sites. However, these solutions largely do not work because they submit to around 99.9% low quality sites.
Submit Equalizer only submits to sites specifically chosen to be likely to produce results.
After putting Submit Equalizer to work, I was impressed. I quickly saw a surge of search engines spiders (which means more pages are likely to be indexed inside)… and I did soon notice a few of backlinks inside Google.
But, the main benefit Submit Equalizer offers is the massive amount of exposure it gives your site. Because in only a short time after use, you’re listed in all of the major directories and search engines – essential when you’re relying on free traffic.
In other words, if all you’re using right now are paid advertising methods, then this tool may not be for you.
But, if you want to cash-in on free search traffic, then this tool should be required.
For usability, the tool works flawlessly. Most of the submission sites can be submitted to with the click of a button.
For the around 42 sites that require manual submission, Submit Equalizer has a built in web-browser and is a semi-automatic solution. This slashes the time it takes to get through submitting those sites.
The bottom line is that Submit Equalizer is a powerful tool to establish your websites to get the free traffic flowing in. I highly recommend it.
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